Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Balanced Day :P

“Did you read my last message?” said Tika.
“Mmm... what message?” I replied. 
“Oh my Godness, what’s the matter with you? Don’t you know that Tari was sick, and she wouldn’t come to campus today. How about our EFC task? I’ve sent a short message this morning at 11 a.m and there was no reply..hmmm. We should send our report of EFC project by e-mail” explain Tika 
“I think there’s a trouble with my mobile phone so I couldn’t get any message this morning,hehe” I replied soon.
“We had to go to Tari’s dormitory as soon as possible, she would go home because of her illness” Tika replied directly.
Then, I started my motorcycle and went to Tari’s dormitory (still in hurry as usual). We went to campus at ten past two p.m and Syntax would begin at a half past two (we need at least a half to reach campus). When we arrived Tari’s dormitory, Let me illustrated what was happen with Tari, I thought that she might be dying because of her illness. Weuw, her face was pale, she looked tireless and terrible. She has been drunk her wrong drug which is suggested by Tika and it didn’t work well. Hahaha How poor she is. Oh damn, it was typically at quarter to three and fifteen minutes was left for Syntax.” Bye Tari and get well soon” I said. 
At campus, we came late for Syntax and got a sneered eyes from Mrs.A. We sat on the last row in a class before I heard Mrs. A sound.... 
“For the last row, would you please move your seat in the first row right now!” Hash.. I brought my bag and moved my seat in the first row, then the bad condition happened suddenly she said
“Okay guys, now please prepare your paper for the test, no coordination, no cheating, and do by yourself!!!” 
“Shit, test???? WTF!!! Hey, I’m still in my gasping” I shouted
I had a resentful test today in the first row without any preparation before, I sat beside Andre and I guessed that he didn’t know what the test about. Yeah, there were 28 question about categories of words, we must indicated the categories of every word, we could use our dictionary if there’s a difficult word and I didn’t bring my dictionary. What a complete hell day. 
Forty minutes later.... 
“Okay, time is up. Submit your paper, move around to your friend and let’s discuss it” said Mrs.A 
“Wait!! I’m still writing, hey I don’t finish it yet” And Yeah that was just nonsense, nothing happen because We would correct our answer together.
But.... Jeng jeng jeng “hey, I got 88,6 for Syntax test” What a balanced day :D hahahahaha #devil laugh :D