Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Random Posting

Hi, everyone..
I’m starting to write this little bit funny posting in the last year. Whoa..I’m actually in a good mood. Yeay! :D So, this gonna be so exciting for everyone in the world because it’s new year. Lots people try to push themselves in such a good way and spend their time with lovely person around. It’s typically at 02:14 a.m and I just want to flashback what I’ve done during 2012.
There’s so maaaaaaanyyyyyyy things happened in my life, and It will takes much times to talk one by one here. Let me to say Alhamdulillah, a huge thanks for my God Almighty Allah SWT that give me so many experiences in 2012, I do really thankfullness for every step which makes me mature in my life, for my great fams, my weird-cheers-friendly friends around me haha, my ungovern-mood-booster guy who still knows me so well hehe. Wait, he’s not my boyfriend. He’s my ex-boyfriend. Wanna laugh over about it? LOL I don’t even really care, dude. :D